Five Tips for Summer Safety

August 9, 2022


With the Vermont summer in full swing, many of us are headed outdoors to enjoy camping and hiking, and to take in Vermont’s natural beauty. With a love of the outdoors comes a level of safety, responsibility and respect for the elements. Here are five basic guidelines Champlain Medical recommends to keep you, your family and friends safe in the woods.

  1. First Aid Kit. Accidents happen, and it is important to be prepared to handle any mishaps in the woods. Choose a point person to handle any medical needs in the field. Is there a doctor in the house? Bring your phone, make sure it is charged, and be ready with a global positioning or tracking app for emergencies. Bring a first aid kit. There are numerous light weight kits available on the market. This one at REI covers all your basic needs in one convenient, lightweight package. Bandages, pain relievers, gauze, bug bite and sting wipes, safety pins, etc. And of course, in case additional care is needed, call upon Champlain Medical. Our urgent care clinic is prepared for all your medical needs. Our number is 802-448-9370. Put it in your phone!
  2. Self-reliance. Pack everything you need for your outing, and being aware of what the elements might demand. Plan ahead. How long is your trip? What will the weather be, and do you have proper shoes and clothing? What about food and water? Make a list.
  3. Stay Hydrated. We cannot overemphasize this enough. Map out a schedule to stay hydrated. Is there water available at your destination, or along the way? Do you need to pack all the water you will need? Depending on the temperature, and rigor of your outing, water needs can vary. The rule of thumb is 2 cups (approximately 1 liter) of water for each hour of moderate hiking. You can adjust from there given the circumstance. 
  4. Food. Are you backpacking, day hiking, or car camping? Walk yourself through your day — anticipate your needs. If you are backpacking, plan on eating less to save on weight and bulk. What are your food preparation needs (ie, stove, dishes, etc)?
  5. Know your Surroundings. Do some research on where you are headed. Check the weather. Take a good look at a map, and read some reviews of the trails noting specifically trail conditions, any hazards, site availability, etc.  Are wild animals a consideration? Alltrails is a good resource for trails and camping in Vermont. 

Wherever you may be headed, we hope these tips make for a safe and fun adventure. 

See you on the trails!